Letter to Church Times: Berlin church stays open during covid19 pandemic

Church Times  


Should churches be open during the coronavirus crisis? My
experience in Germany suggests it’s possible. I live in Berlin and the protestant
church I attend, the Apostel-Paulus church in the Schoeneberg district, is
holding no services but is open daily from 12 noon to 6pm for visitors to pray
or light candles. I’m part of the volunteer team that helps make this happen.

The volunteers and church staff keep social distance of
course, and we urge visitors to do the same. The church is one of the largest
in Berlin, so this is not too difficult. Visitors also sometimes take the
opportunity to have a more private conversation with one of the priests, also
with social distance.

 Not all Berlin churches are open in this way, but it seems those with open doors are fulfilling a need.
During the couple of three-hour shifts I’ve done, around 50 people visited, seeking
a quiet moment at this difficult time.

Hugh Williamson, Rosenheiemerstr 40, 10781 Berlin, Germany